Eye Examinations

We take our time with our eye examinations offering longer appointments than most of the multiple chains so you don’t feel rushed or as if you are on a conveyor belt! We treat you as an individual and try to get to the bottom of your individual visual needs whether that’s work, hobbies or sport and give you the most suitable prescription. We then advise you on the best way of transferring this prescription into comfortable glasses whether that may be varifocals, bifocals, single vision lenses or degressives (a specialist lens for office workers and musicians).

We discuss your general health and any medications you may be taking and discuss how either of these may be affecting your eyes or vision. We discuss your family history so we are aware of any eye problems that you may be at an increased risk of developing.

We perform a thorough painless examination of the health of your eyes to ensure they are healthy and if there are any concerns, these are dealt with in the most suitable way.

We will often measure the pressure in your eyes and your peripheral vision using a computerised visual field screener as we only use a very small portion of central vision to view the letter chart.

We are always professional and never push you into buying unnecessary products. We just suggest what we believe is best for you as an individual. Even when your prescription remains stable, lens technology is always advancing so we can often offer you a new, superior product.

If we feel it necessary we will advise you to have supplementary examinations carried out. These give us a far more comprehensive examination of the health of your eyes than a basic eye check.

We give you a full easy to understand explanation of all our findings.